Saturday, February 2, 2013

Assumptions of Communication

I believe the biggest surprise that I gained from my mom, husband, and best friend evaluating me was that all of the scores were very close meaning they all knew me probably better than I did of myself.  I always try to be who I am and never change for anyone and well it seemed very apparent in the questionnaire as the scores were all eerily similar.  I believe what I have learned this week which was very profound for me was the appearance interaction theory.  I know as a young adult I use to pass judgment based on appearances, but as I got older I learned that appearances are not everything.  It is genuinely better to get to know someone and assume based on appearance because what you are really doing is passing on your own securities and sometimes your hidden prejudices.  This has been a very enlightening week on exposing true feelings of ignorance based on prejudices and not meeting a person but judging them based on their appearance. 


  1. Michele,
    I think that its true, as we get older we learn that appearances are not a true indicator of a person, our perceptions in regards to appearances our skewed. I think that as we mature we understand the importance of depth and true and honesty in communications and in relationships.

    You brought about a good point that judging others based upon appearances is about possibly are own insecurities and our own hidden prejudices.

    Great post!

  2. Hi Michele,
    I enjoyed your post! I agree with you that the appearance of someone is not indicative of their character, and that when we judge individuals based on this, we can miss an opportunity to know someone great.

  3. I really enjoyed this exercise and reading the different posts and comments. I was really shocked when I was assessed by my cousin and my co-worker. It seemed to me that my co-worker knew me better than my cousin and I just couldn't get over it. I am very confident and sometimes that ca come off pretty intimidating and I think that is whatgives some people the impression that I an comfrontational about the things that I am passionate about.

  4. Michele,

    I agree with you that this week taught us a lot about judging people on the way they look. It is hard at times not to judge people before you get to know them. Judgement at first is not a good way to think about somebody before you get to know them. I enjoyed reading your post.
