Wednesday, February 27, 2013

So Long Farewell, but not goodbye!

My last blog post for at least a week and here I sit recollecting of the many times I have said goodbye.....Oh how it has been an adventure.  The late night emails and funny blogs that make my day after a hard work week or a stressed paper.  I thank everyone for their words of encouragement.  I guess you could say collaboration are the friends you make after the project is over.  I have made many friends here at Walden the last 14 months and especially in this course.  The knowledge everyone has shared has been profound and impacted my life as a teacher positively.  I wish everyone nothing but the best and hope the next few months are painless as most of us will be approaching graduation.  Just llok at it this way with each passing day we are closer to not writing anymore papers!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck and God Bless!! 


  1. Michele,
    Best wishes to you, as well. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and have appreciated the wisdom and insights you have shared during this course. God Bless!

  2. Michele,

    The past 14 months have been very insightful. Thank you for your insights on our blogs and discussion posts. I look forward to reading your blog and discussion posts in our diversity classes.


  3. Michelle,
    Your post made me chuckle!! Too think that there will actually be one day, or week-end that is not filled with application assignments! Yes that will be like a breath of fresh air. But what will we do with all of that extra time on our hands?

    I so appreciate you, and all that you have brought to the classes I have shared with you.. I know that you have helped contribute to my growth and for that I say thank-you.

    Please stay in touch!!


  4. Hi Michele,
    I have enjoyed getting to know you, and I have admired your enthusiasm through the courses we have shared. Your passion for Early Childhood Education is evident and contagious! Your wisdom and honesty have been an encouragement. Blessings to you!


  5. Michele,
    I absolutely love your quote “collaboration are the friends you make after a project”. Even tough I have never met you or anyone else from the program I feel connected to you. A little sad maybe that some of you I will not see in these last few classes. I wish you luck.


  6. Michele,

    It has been a pleasure having a class with you. I have enjoyed reading your posts on the discussion boards and on your blog. I wish you the best in your future classes. Maybe we will have another class together! (:
