Friday, January 25, 2013


I never noticed until taking this class but I do communicate with others differently.  When I am around my friends and really close coworkers I am loud and animated with no care in the world.  I am biased in my opinion and almost a manipulator of some sorts as I always try to get them to see my point of view.  It is something I am working on though as I try to implement the Platinum Rule with always being open and receptive to other's point of views. Although, I can be overbearing at times in my personal life in my profession as a teacher I am always a professional.  I speak with cultural myopia in mind always considering the needs of the child and their family.   I use proper grammar and never slang and always try my best to be aware of my intercultural communication in regards to how other cultures may interpret my words or actions.  However, I am not always successful as I often still battle with contradicting body language  displaying behaviors opposite of my verbal message.  In essence, I am a work in progress and will continue to strive to be mindful of others and considerate of their thoughts and feelings. 


  1. Hi Michele,

    If we are being honest with ourselves than we would have to say that we are all a work in progress. My nonverbal communication skills need a lot of improvement as well. I try to communicate like the people that I am around at the given moment. I find that it is difficult for me to just let go and talk as some find it easy. My neighbor and a lot of my friends are able to communicate effectively and with almost anyone, that is not my case. Communicating for me is as you said "a work in progress".

    Enjoyed your post,


  2. Michele,

    I feel you girl! I am the same way we I am around my friends hanging out. When I get to my workplace I have to shift it into another gear and stay professional. I am still working on my body language because I know at times it can read the wrong thing. I am a work in progress! Thanks for sharing your post, I now know I am not the only person!!!!

  3. Hi Michele,
    Self reflection, being honest is the first step to good communication skills. Communication is self reflective and depends on the humans’ unique ability to think about themselves and to reflect on the past, present, and future. “Our life is what our thoughts make it”, said Marcus Aurelius in Meditations. Which means being mindful, to be consciously aware of what we are doing, thinking and sensing is the key to effective intercultural communication. Your honesty shows you are already on your way to becoming a competent communicator.
