Saturday, April 13, 2013

We Don't Say Those Words!

I remember just last summer I had picked out one of those strapless summer maxi dresses for a family reunion fish fry and why we were there one of my nephews who was 6 at the time said “are you having a baby, cause it looks like it”. Embarrassed by his question I responded “sorry no baby in here” and walked off.  I think with me being very matter of fact with my nephew that he was okay with my response to his question/statement.  However, I do not believe he understood how embarrassed I was about his comment.  In the end, it was one of those moments that you wish never happened.  I never did wear that dress again…..

I believe an anti-bias teacher would respond with almost the matter of fact way, beginning with stating the child’s name and saying Doe that was a very curious question. I would then go into explaining how we are all different and unique and that sometimes the clothes we wear can make us appear to look unique or different or in this instance look like the person was having a baby.  In accordance to Han (2010,) teachers who work with young children can have a profound impact on children's social development.   As early childhood professionals it is imperative that we support young children by teaching them about different cultural perspective and acceptable behaviors, an impact that can contribute to the quality of children's lives throughout their life span.” 

Han, S. H. (2010). Sociocultural influence on children’s social competence: A close look at kindergarten teachers’ beliefs. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 24, 80–96. 


  1. Hi Michele,
    Thanks for sharing your post! I have several outfits that I have tucked away in a closet never to be worn again because of comments or looks! I could so relate! I find that in the unexpected moment of comments it is kind of hard for me to think of ways to be an expressive anti-bias educator. I have learned some great tips in this course that will help me deal with the curiosity and honesty of children! I like your suggested anti-bias response! Great post!

  2. Evening Michele,

    I know all to well the feeling of someone asking that exact question. It does make you feel a bit uncomfortable and sends all types of thoughts through your head. I just had this exact question asked of me on my new job last week and I immediately began looking down at myself thinking do I look that big in my clothes. Being as confident as I am I continue to hold my head high. I tell children every day watch what you say to people because often times you know not how harmful your words could be.
