Saturday, November 24, 2012


I will be honest in saying I experience microagression at least once a week depending on where I am at and who is with me at the time.  I have been married to an amazing man for the last 13 years who is Cajun otherwise known as African American to everyone else.  We have three beautiful children and I would not trade my life for anything in this world.  However, microagression is alive and well in society today when looking at couple of interracial relationships.  This week I experienced two microagressions.  One was at Wendy’s when the African American cashier stated my husband sounded educated (really?  How is he suppose to sound) Huge stereotype as we all know what she was leading into…..and the second microagression happen tonight when my oldest son was wrestling and because he is dark skinned a coach from the other team said I like the way you support your son mom even if he is losing.  My reply of course was the one winning is mine.  Needless to say I got the apology and that he was very good, but it just burns me up that people just don’t ask instead of assume.  It is still sad in the 21st century that we still judge people on the color of their skin and not the content of their character.  Prejudice and discrimination are still very prominent in today’s society, except now it is closet prejudice.  I sure do wonder what life would be like if there were more people like Martin Luther King….until then I will continue to touch lives with tolerance and promote culture and diversity. 

1 comment:

  1. Michele,
    As I read your post I honestly didnt see where there was microaggression, until I really thought about it. I am not proud to say that I could have said the same things and thought nothing of it, until this course. I am sorry for the prejudice in this world that you and your family experience. I think that if as a society we understood more about each other and stopped judging people by the color of their skin we would have a beautiful world. I am happy that I am learning about these issues and can pass this on to my family and students.
